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Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Do you hate that wet dog smell?

Then I have the perfect fix for that. A Doggy Raincoat. Just slip it on them and let them do their dooties come back in and you'll have nixed the wet dog stench.

Awww, now doesn't S/he look so proud to be wearing that their yellow number?
Maybe they are wanting Doggy Mommy to buy them these, to go along with the yellow number?

Once your inside, you don't want a naked dog, now do you... how about some doggy clothes?

Wait, if you are getting Pups all dressed up, why not paint her nails too:

Now that you (err them) are all dolled up, lets go to a Doggy Party, oh heck, why not bring the Good China too...

I get that people love their dogs. I do. I have grown up with pets all my life. I've done silly things, such as dressing them up (in an old t-shirt mind you) and have even painted their nails. I am not harping on anyone for doing so. BUT, when is enough enough? IF the pup looks sad, take it off.

I came across a bunch of these products at this site:
So if you really have a hankering for updating your lil fluff balls wardrobe, go check it out. Or just go, look and chuckle. Look out for the Bride Dress, or tiaras... LOL!

Monday, January 31, 2011

Are you a sloppy eat?

If you answered YES! I have the perfect fix for your sloppiness. The Adult Bib!! Yes, the adult bib. Perfect for the sloppy eater in all of us. Here is the situation: You got up extra early for that important eeting with your boss. You are a boat load of nerves, your hands are shaky, you can barely drink your coffee. YOu don't know why your boss all of a sudden is calling this meeting. SO instead of going to work with coffee spilt all over your work clothes, why not wear a bib. A bib, aren't those for babies and toddlers? Not anymore, you, an adult can wear one. They are stylish. As a matter of fact, you can pack it in your purse and whip it out, clip it on and wear it at that lunch meeting. Take a looksieloo and see this lady wearing hers at a restaurant...
Enticing ,eh!!! Well go to this site and order yours today.

Dad's Punishment To Daughter.... uh oh.

Was browsing the Huffington posts site and came across this laughable ad. Apparently the daughter missed curfew, so the dad thought "hey, let's not punish her the good ole way(examples: take away tv watching priviledges, no dessert, no phone etc.) lets place a want ad in the local newspaper. Here it is... what do you think? What would you do if your dad did this to you?

check out the whole article on the huffington posts site:

Weird State Laws...

I have come across  some weird, outrageous, laughable laws in varying states throughout North America. Here is my own compiled list of the Top 10 weirdest State Laws. Some of these, make me think who on earth would actually do these things in the first place, for them to actually have to think of making it a law banning such things.
Anyways... here they are:

First one up is from California: It is illegal to eat an orange while taking a bath.
I sure am glad, I don't live in Cali, as I always take and peel and eat an orange while taking my extra long bath.

Colorado: It is illegal to borrow your neighbor's vacuum.
Crap, I guess my carpets will have to be full of doggy hair now.

Hawaii: It is illegal to put pennies in ones ears.
Goodness gracious, that is my sons fave hobby. He is well known around this neck of the woods. Good thing we don't live in Hawaii.

Iowa: A man with a moustache can't kiss a woman in public.
Gotta love those non-hairy lip kisses  laws.

In Missouri: A man must have a permit to shave.
I sure hope that in this economic state that the guys there remember to buy their shaving permits. Wouldn't want to put that on the bottom of your things to do list.

Nevada: It Las Vegas it is illegal to pawn one's dentures.
Man,  I sure was hoping that I could get atleast $500 for these used teeth. You sure you can't take this in, Mr Pawn Shop Man?

New Jersey: It is illegal for one to slurp soup.
I had always thought that if you slurped your soup, it was paying compliment to the chef for making a delicious dish (err bowl) .

Vermont: Women must get written permission from their husbands to wear false teeth.
I'm thinking a lot of men are going to get a kick out of this one, who wouldn't want a toothless hottie for a wife?

Virgina: It is illegal to tickle women.
I foresee a lot of women tickling their husbands and saying Nah Nah Nah Nah... you can't tickle me!

Wyoming: It is illegal for a women to stand any closer to the bar then  five feet while drinking.
Cripes, all the good spots are taken.

There are a ton of Weird Law sites out there. I had a laugh a minute scan through them. I used this time. Feel free to take a looksie, and you just may laugh your patootie off reading some of the silly laws we have in effect.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Nose in the Tub

So  you just finished remodelling your guest bathroom and need only a few finishing touches. You cruise the net looking for that sophisticated towel warmer holder, or the crocheted tissue box cover, maybe even the electronic soap dispenser... but wait, what is this that you stumbled upon?

A soap dispenser? A Drippy nose soap dispenser? Refillable too. Now that'd be the perfect finishing touch for your remodeled guest bathroom. It's a deal at just under $15 too.  

Dog Flatulance a problem in your house?

Well all be golly gosh, here it is... the cure all for ridding that yucky doggy fart stench.

What on Earth is this, you ask?  A doggy gstring. Yup you heard that correct. A doggy gstring. When Fifi lets one rip, this here pretty panty has special fart ridden stench activators.
This is what I got from the site: The Dogone - Dog Gas Neutralizing Pad is a comfortable and least intrusive means for deodorizing gassy discharges in a thong design. This will eliminate pet odors and dog odors from flatus or flatulence.

Uses our famous activated charcoal cloth (washable and reusable)! A starter hole is placed in the cloth in order to help you locate the suggested tail hole. Carefully measure tail and cut-out hole to proper size. Elastic straps are used for flexibility. Suspender clips are used to make the garment totally adjustable. They also provide quick release for allowing the dog out to do his business.

Oh goodness gracious, with further investigating on these nifty Doggy G's, I have found out that they are no longer available. Me wonders why?!?!

Would you eat this...

... with out wanting to puke?

Looks like poo, does it smell and  like poo too? Now I am a chocolate lover, but there is no way I could pick up a pile of poo and eat it. Just gross. Gaaaaaaag, oh lordy, off to puke now...


Bacon is the topic. Shaking your head is next. Why you ask, would I even mention bacon. It is yummy. You can eat it for breakfast, lunch and dinner. What is so wrong with bacon?
I will show you. TWO odd bacon-y shakeworthies:

Bacon Lip Balm... do we need to see people licking their bacony flavored lips constantly? Will the scent be so strong, that when one enters a room with said bacon lips; everyone turns to see who brought in the bacon? Really, who buys this stuff? I went on their site, and am enamored by the amount of bacon flavored products. Do people really need to be coverd in bacon from head to toe, smell like it, taste it, wear it etc??? Talk about taking a major liking to something and wearing it out for the whole world to see.
Next up is...

Bacon flavored infant formula...

So wrong on many levels... what do you think?

Want more bacon-y items, check out there site if you must:


Well hello, hi there and howdy! I have started this blog to put on a showcase of the most bizarre products, videos, going ons etc. I have always found great laughter in finding the oddest, or most UNusefull products out there and now I plan to share my findings with you all. I'll voice my opinion on it, feel free to voice yours.

A little bit about myself... I guess is in order. I am a SAHM (Stay At Home Mom) of two beautiful kiddies. I have a hot hubby who makes me laugh on a daily basis. Life in this house is always full of craziness. When I get a moment or two or even three I hop on the net, read the paper gossip etc and laugh my patootie off at my bizarre findings. So thought this would be a great place to "share" . I hope you enjoy my  blog and feel free to follow me, share this addy ... do what ever you must. Just as long as we all chuckle our booties off and shake our heads at them.