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Saturday, January 29, 2011


Well hello, hi there and howdy! I have started this blog to put on a showcase of the most bizarre products, videos, going ons etc. I have always found great laughter in finding the oddest, or most UNusefull products out there and now I plan to share my findings with you all. I'll voice my opinion on it, feel free to voice yours.

A little bit about myself... I guess is in order. I am a SAHM (Stay At Home Mom) of two beautiful kiddies. I have a hot hubby who makes me laugh on a daily basis. Life in this house is always full of craziness. When I get a moment or two or even three I hop on the net, read the paper gossip etc and laugh my patootie off at my bizarre findings. So thought this would be a great place to "share" . I hope you enjoy my  blog and feel free to follow me, share this addy ... do what ever you must. Just as long as we all chuckle our booties off and shake our heads at them.

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