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Monday, January 31, 2011

Are you a sloppy eat?

If you answered YES! I have the perfect fix for your sloppiness. The Adult Bib!! Yes, the adult bib. Perfect for the sloppy eater in all of us. Here is the situation: You got up extra early for that important eeting with your boss. You are a boat load of nerves, your hands are shaky, you can barely drink your coffee. YOu don't know why your boss all of a sudden is calling this meeting. SO instead of going to work with coffee spilt all over your work clothes, why not wear a bib. A bib, aren't those for babies and toddlers? Not anymore, you, an adult can wear one. They are stylish. As a matter of fact, you can pack it in your purse and whip it out, clip it on and wear it at that lunch meeting. Take a looksieloo and see this lady wearing hers at a restaurant...
Enticing ,eh!!! Well go to this site and order yours today.

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